fearless supporters —Ateneo School of Gov’t dean

“Unlike the supporters of President Estrada in 2001, who were not organized, Duterte’s followers will fight back."
This was the statement of Tony La Viña in his October 11 Manila Standard column where he said that the plans to impeach President Rodrigo Duterte will not happen.
Viña, the dean emeritus of the Ateneo School of Government said the current president cannot be ousted due to his fearless die-hard supporters.
He said there will be not repeat of 1986 People Power Revolution because his reporters won’t take the attempt sitting down.
“The consequences of a coup for Mindanao, where Duterte has an 85-percent satisfactory rating based on the latest SWS poll, will be far-reaching,” La Viña added.
For the dean emeritus, the 1986 EDSA People Power should not happen because its repeat, which removed Estrada in 2001, just resulted “in perceptions of illegitimacy and bad governance for the next 10 years.”
"We should not repeat that experience," he said.
Viña however said President has a problem and that people need to help him. "He is in the course of self-destruction," he said.
"If he can only listen… listen to other people, and not talk too much, earn friends instead of enemies, Duterte can become the greatest President of the Philippines,” Viña ended.
Source: Filipinewsph
fearless supporters —Ateneo School of Gov’t dean
Reviewed by TrendingPH
1:15 AM

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